Orkneyinga Saga – The History of the Earls of Orkney


Orkneyinga Saga – The History of the Earls of Orkney – Translated with an introduction by Herman Palsson and Paul Edwards- Paperback

Publisher: Penguin Classics

Written around 1200 by an unknown author, the Orkneyinga Saga is an intriguing fusion of myth, legend and history. The only medieval work to have Orkney as the central place of action, it tells of an era when the island were still part of the Viking world, beginning with their conquest by the kings of Norway in the ninth century. The saga describes the sub-sequent history of the Earldon of Orkney and the adventures of great Norseman such as Sigurd the Powerful, St Magnus the Martyr and Hrolf, the conqueror of Normandy. Savagely powerful and peotic, this is a fascinating depiction of an age of brutal battles, murder, sorcery and bitter family fueds.
251 Pages


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Weight 0.199 kg